
Standorte der römischen Touristeninformation finden sich in verschiedenen Zonen der Ewigen Stadt. Halten Sie einfach nach den markierten Infopavillons Ausschau.

Was gibt es aktuell Interessantes vor Ort im Rom? Über kurzfristige Veranstaltungen oder zeitlich begrenzte Offerten lokaler Anbieter informieren die Infopunkte vor Ort.

Mit den Informationspunkten der Touristeninformation, P.I.T. Punti Informativi Turistici, steht Urlaubern eine weitere Infoquelle zur Verfügung. In der Regel sind die Mitarbeiter der Touristeninfo mehrsprachig und geben Urlaubern hilfreich Auskunft.

Reisende erhalten hier aktuelle Infos zu Veranstaltungen, Fahrplänen, Eintrittspreisen, Stadtpläne sowie allgemeine Infos. In einigen Infopunkten sind auch ausgewählte Tickets erhältlich.

Wo stehen die Infopavillons?

Die Infopunkte sind im gesamten Innenstadtbereich zu finden, wie etwa bei vielen bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Museen sowie an wichtigen Stationen des Stadtverkehrs.

  • Flughafen Ciampino, im Bereich internationale Ankünfte
  • Flughafen Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci, im Terminal C
  • Ostia Lido, Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli, an der Ecke zur Piazza Anco Marzio
  • Via Marco Minghetti
  • Piazza delle Cinque lune
  • Via Nazionale, am Palazzo delle Esposizioni
  • Santa Maria Maggiore, an der Via dell'Olmata
  • Piazza Sidney Sonnino
  • Termini Bahnhof, auf Gleis 24


Generell sind die Informationspunkte P.I.T. von 09:30 Uhr bis 19:30 Uhr geöffnet.

Roms Sehenswürdigkeiten

Vatikan                      Souveräner Kirchenstaat mitten in der Stadt Rom.

Petersplatz            Das sehenswerte architektonische Meisterwerk mit Obelisk.

Petersdom             Die wichtigste Kirche der katholischen Christen.

Kolosseum             Eines der Wahrzeichen Roms, ein eindrucksvolles römisches Monuments.

Kapitol                    Der Campidoglio war das politische Zentrum des alten Roms.

Fontana di Trevi   Wunderschöner barocker Trevi Brunnen im Herzen der Stadt Rom.

Spanische Treppe Legendärer Treffpunkt an der Piazza di Spagna.

Transportation in Rome

Getting to & from Rome


Rome has two airports - Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) and Ciampino.
This is Rome’s main airport and is is well-connected with the centre during the day by an express train.
The express train between Fiumicino Airport and Stazione Termini (Rome's main train station) costs € 9.50 and the journey takes about 30 minutes. The train departs from and arrives at Termini station at track n.27 and runs from 6.30am till 11.30pm.
Rome's smaller airport, is mostly used by charter flights and budget airlines.
To get to the centre from this airport, take COTRAL bus, get off at Metro A: Anagnina station, then to Termini Station.   Cotral bus runs every 30 minutes, until 11pm. The only way how to get to Rome after this time is to take taxi.

THIS is the information of the public transports - THEY advise OF COURSE to their own Bus.
Even better should be to take one of the bus-shuttles DIRECTLY in front of the airport ( rather than out of the airport somewhere on the road ) to Rome-Termini (MainStation)
You pay ~4€ for that, have the choice of different companies and you can even buy the tickets on the RYANAIR-flights - they are offered for the same amount ...

Getting around Rome

You can buy Roma Pass online and benefit from various discounts and services that make it easier and cheaper to enjoy Rome.

The historic centre is not particularly large (only 2,5 km/1,5 miles from the Colosseum to Piazza di Spagna) and so is easy to visit on foot, as most monuments are to be found in the same area.

Public transportation

Termini Central StationRome's bus network is extensive and functions quite well, but the metro (subway) is much simpler for the short-term visitors to master.
Public transportation Tickets must be purchased in advance from tabacchis, newsstands, bars, or vending machines (exact change only!) at metro and major bus stops.


Rome metroThe Roman metro (called Metropolitana by residents) goes round rather than through the historic city. It has only two lines, A (red) and B (blue), which cross at Termini Central Station.
Trains run approximately every 7-10 minutes, from 5:30am until 11.30pm every day (until 0:30am on Saturdays).

Buses and Trams

There are hundreds of bus lines, running from 5:30am till midnight. All buses and trams travel in both directions.
Electric buses
In an effort to minimize pollution in the small backstreets of the historic center, the city has established several electric bus lines to navigate alleyways barely wide enough for a Vespa.
Night buses
Over 20 night bus lines run from 00:30am to 5:30am. The main terminal stations are Termini (Piazza dei Cinquecento) and Piazza Venezia. From these two piazzas buses leave for all directions every 30 minutes. Night bus stops are marked with an owl. You can purchase tickets on board.

For lines tables and public transport maps visit official site of public transportation in Rome - ATAC S.p.A


If you need a taxi, remember to look for the official metered white or yellow taxis. There are taxi ranks in many locations throughout the center, but is nearly impossible to hail one driving down the streets, particularly at night. Make sure your taxi is metered; insist on the metered fare, rather than an arranged price.
To call for a taxi within Rome, try 06 3570, 06 4994, 06 6645, 06 551, or 06 8822.

Renting bikes or scooters

Rome vespasAlthough most of the sights in Rome are within walking distance or accessible by public transportation, two wheels will give you the freedom to see exsactly what interests you, and in less time.
To really "do as the Romans do", you have to drive around on a Vespa. You'll have no trouble finding rental places all around the city. Rental average are €40-€50 for a one day.