- come from CIAMPINO airport to ANZIO?!



Use one of the bus shuttles to Roma-Termini (main-station)

Coming out of the arrivals, you'll find small cabins all around, selling tickets - coming by Ryan Air they even sell them on board

- all for approxim. 4€ - up to the mainstation "Roma-Termini".

Departure is in 30 minutes-rythm and the distance is done in fairly the same time...

Go into the station and buy a ticket to ANZIO (or NETTUNO) look to the big timetable and check the "binario" ( stage ), go to the stage and enter the train whoch is mostly already there, waiting. ( if longer waiting time, you might want to do some shopping - there is a supermarket directly attached to the same level of the station, - left when you use the main-entrance, and left if you see the end of the rails- a little along the rails, to the left.)

STAMP TICKET and enter train and after almost exactly 1h you'll arrive at 'Marechiaro'

- More informations after booking -

Exit the train at the front - or go towards it - and go down the stairs, follow the small road

and you'll find after ~230m a bar at the right corner and 20m further on the other side your ( and our ) B&B 'Marechiaro'.

Just for a first step how to ask :

Is this the bus to Rome mainstation?

"- Questo è l'autobus per...Roma termini?"

- I would like to go to ...Anzio !

"- Voglio andare a Anzio!"

Alternative: RENT-A-CAR

you can rent a car - which can be worthwhile - if with navigation ( your smartphone? )

Depending on the season you may get a nice lower middle-class car, new, spacious enough and not to big for parking ( a steady problem in Italy ) for only 140 € on Ciampino airport for FOURTEEN DAYS !! ( plus 100€ for first time petrol and 40€ update in fully covered insurance without any extra-payment)

My nephew had this ( an Opel/GM ) and was absolutely satisfied.

Inexperienced drivers should NOT go for a car, because Italian drivers are (to be friendly) 'a little disorderly' - no signals to turn,to show where they go, no real attention to lanes or signals (a STOP-sign will be neutralized with the horn)

They ALL do telephone calls ALL THE TIME - without hands-free-instruments, etc,.


Here, more than anywhere else, this rule is valid: "In Rome do as the Romans do!" ;-)

All it means: Be careful, concentrated

and follow the fluent traffic...

It is advisable to rent the car to come to all the points you might be interested in.

Alternative: WE may - depending on our abili- ties - give you a lift, when on the way... ;-)

Italian for beginners:

    treno = train
    partenze = departures
    arrivi = arrivals
    in ritardo = late/delayed
    stazione ferroviaria = railway station
    binario = track
    marciapiede = platform
    ovest/est = west/east,
    [sometimes used for platform numbers]
    convalidare = to validate ticket
    vagone/carrozza = rail car/wagon
    posto = seat
    biglietti = tickets
    ferma a = calls in
    in testa al treno = ahead the train
    a centro treno    = center of the train
    in coda al treno  = in the rear of the train

 R O M A   P A S S

Please note:


Before purchasing, find out if you qualify for reduced or free admission, or concessions (age, nationality, place of residence, occupational categories, etc.).


Roma Pass and Roma Pass 48 hours can be purchased:

Online (max 4 cards, method of payment: credit card Visa and Mastercard, one transaction only a day - any 24 hours- from the same computer).By calling the Call Centre 0039 060608 (method of payment: credit card Visa and Mastercard).

At the following points of sale:
All participating Museums and sites
Tourist Information Points
(Punti Informativi Turistici,
PIT) of the City of Rome:
Castel S. Angelo, Lungotevere Vaticano (Piazza Pia). 9.30am - 7.15pm.
Ciampino, Aeroporto G.B.Pastine - International Arrivals, luggage claim area. 9.00am – 6.30pm.
Cinque Lune, Piazza delle Cinque Lune (Piazza Navona). 9.30am - 7.15pm.
Fiumicino, Aeroporto Leonardo Da Vinci- International Arrivals area (Terminal 3). 8.00am - 7.30 pm.

Minghetti, Via Marco Minghetti (corner to Via del Corso). 9.30am - 7.15pm.
Nazionale, Via Nazionale (Palazzo delle Esposizioni). 9.30am - 7.15pm.

Termini, Stazione Termini - Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34. 8.00am - 7.45 pm.

Tiburtina, Stazione Tiburtina (next opening)
Fori, Visitor Center - Via dei Fori Imperiali. 9.30am - 7.15pm.

Complesso del Vittoriano - Via di San Pietro in Carcere.

Scuderie del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio, 16

Palazzo delle Esposizioni,Via Nazionale194

ATAC - Subway ticket office (Opening time: mon/sat from 7.00am to 8.00pm
- sundays and public holydays 8am to 8pm:
  • Line A: Anagnina, Battistini, Lepanto, Ottaviano, Spagna;

  • Line B: Laurentina, Eur Fermi, Ponte Mammolo, Termini;

  • Line B1: Conca d’Oro.